The service offers many convenient and useful functions to administer your private blog with, manage your photos/videos and event comments from your guests
Here are a few tips and great functions on why this service is adequate for creating your family’s private site
Invitations for a personalised access, quick and easy contents management, a children’s picture galleries, personal messaging, a guestbook, or even still a birth list; these are a number of functions available so you can easily customise and manage your family blog.
Whether you’re on a mobile phone, a tablet or a computer, the service is easy to use. Everything has been thought through so that you don’t spend hours uploading your new photo gallery or your videos.
A baby has just arrived? Publish your birth list
In the case of the birth and welcoming a new born, parents can publish the link to their birth list on their blog, enabling their guests to easily participate.
Personalise your guests’ passwords
You can control the right to download for each of your guests. For example, you can allow grandparents to download photos of your family and on the contrary, withhold this right from your friends from the local football club or your work colleagues.
Download your content backup
At any time, you can download a backup of your archive. This archive contains all of your photo albums, videos, children’s drawings, or the comments of the guestbook left by your loved ones.
Modify, sort and change the display order and/or date of your photos
The service enables you to easily manage your photos. You won’t have to spend hours on your computer sorting your photos. In your parent zone you can upload your photos and sort them in just a few minutes. It’s a valuable gain in time when you only have a few minutes each day to manage your parent zone.
Publish the birth details of your child
You can publish the birth details of your child on your private blog. The information will be visible in a box at the top of your family space. Your guests won’t forget his/her birthday anymore!
Manage the gallery of your children’s masterpieces
This feature enables you to publish online your children’s drawings, paintings and other creative crafts and share them with all your guests. Grandma will be delighted to see how her grandson has drawn her.
Discover a service adapted to families that is private and secure and that enables you to share safely with the people of your choice. Your private life and its content are guaranteed to remain protected. Create your parent account for free.