Whether it be at preschool or primary school, more and more schools are launching school blogs
It is a useful tool for, on one hand, sharing classroom activities, and on the other hand for enabling children (in particular those with no internet access at home) to create a “magazine” documenting their classroom activities.
Creating a blog for your class is an excellent idea. It allows you to share all activities and important events with parents all year round, but also to make available all sorts of school and student-related information. You can talk about the first day of school, cultural excursions and outdoor classes. You can upload albums of the school fair, the end of year shows, classroom activities, and if you want, a “Who’s who” gallery of the teachers.
Among the many school blogs and websites launched by head teachers/teachers few of them take into consideration the rights to the children’s image.
A majority of these blogs use traditional blogging platforms that don’t allow for secured or private access.
You just need to do a couple of searches in any search engine to see that most school blogs are not at all protected and that the photos of the children and their activities are freely accessible.
As a solution to this problem, our secured platform provides a useful tool for teachers where they can create a private and secured classroom blog. The platform guarantees to protect your data and the blog’s contents, so that you can create a website of your school where you will be able to share student activities in a secure manner.
In just a couple of minutes you can create your private space, customise it as you wish and create passwords which will be used to access the school blog. You will then just need to share the address and the password with parents in order to access the children’s classroom private space.
An adaptive family platform that is easy to use to create a secured school blog
The teacher will be able to share photos, videos, images, keep a log book with all important school or classroom related information, manage an unlimited guest list (parents for example), create a “Who’s who” gallery of the teachers, or even of the students, and create a b of the children’s gallery practical classes….etc.
The management platform (called the parent zone) and the school’s private space do not feature any advertisements. Spam mail will not be sent to the email addresses of the guests or the managers of the blog.
Here are some good reasons for creating your school blog on our secure platform:
• A private and secure service that is password protected accessible upon invitation only
• Very easy to use for teachers and parents
• Varied graphic themes that are easily customisable
• Works on computers (Mac and PC), tablets and mobile phones
• There is no need to install an application for the mobile phone version
• It is possible to create different levels of protection and access
• It is possible to authorise/forbid certain persons from downloading content
• It’s an adaptive blog that is easy to customise
• No adds, no use of your personal data
• An free version to try the service
• An unlimited number of guests
• Guests can easily leave comments