Your family house blog – If you want to renovate your home interior, you can find many home design blogs on the internet, which can be helpful sometimes. Such a big project can be really tricky, personal and sometimes you will need more inspiration than you thought. You want create your own home design blog? But, seriously, who will care? Not too many people… So, we invite you to continue reading to understand why a private blog could be the best solution for your house renovation.
Home design is a family affair
A family house has often a lot of stories inside its walls. Maybe your parents lived there, you grew there up and your children will also stay there later…
So, you can’t decide to renovate entirely this house without asking your family. A private blog could help you to explain your project and get feedbacks from your parents, children, your uncle or even your aunt or unknown people or professionals! So, all the people that you give a private access can interact with this project by asking questions, giving advices, etc. Blogging can give you the possibility to meet other people!
Share your family house design evolution on a private space
This private space will allow you to share the evolution of your works. Indeed, the best way to share the progress of work is to upload content files. Indeed, you can show your photos, videos and also propose your 3D home design plans to your community. A private access is the perfect match for all those sharing.
Actually you may not want to expose your home privacy on social networks or on a public blog and keep it only for your family or friends.
Ask for fresh ideas for your home renovation
A home renovation will need all your creativity but as written above, sometimes you can run out ideas. A private blog could help you to find inspiration by asking for opinions. Furthermore, your community could also contribute to your blog by writing some articles about current interior design trends for example.
This is also the opportunity to validate your plans and get started to work on your rooms!