Your family house blog : privately share with the ones you love

Your family house blog : privately share with the ones you love
Your family house blog - If you want to renovate your home interior, you can find many home design blogs on the internet, which can be helpful sometimes. Such a big project can be really tricky, personal and sometimes you will need more inspiration than you thought. You want create your own home design blog? But, seriously, who will care? Not too many people… So, we invite you to continue reading to understand why a private blog could be the best solution

Facebook: The moments application banned in Europe

Facebook: The moments application banned in Europe
Launched with great pomp and ceremony in the United States of America, Facebook’s Moments application enables you to share group photos using their facial recognition technology. It is currently not allowed in Europe. This function is essential to the Moments application, since the goal is to effectively recognise each person present in photos. Regulators are requiring that Facebook set up a feature where this device is authorised manually, for those...

I wanted to create a family blog on my own

I wanted to create a family blog on my own
Lindsay is 33. She is a young American mother who lives in a Chicago suburb. She sent us an email to share her story with us and to talk about the advantages of using our platform to create a private blog. Here is her story. Hello, My name is Lindsay, I live in a small town close to Chicago and I have been using your platform for the past 6 months, basically since my daughter was born. I am sending you my testimony about your service which I have b

A secure Parent zone to create your blog

A secure Parent zone to create your blog
Easy to use and to manage your private space with; your family has access to a comprehensive tool that enables you to add contents and customise your private blog in a few clicks. Your secure Parent zone to create your private blog You can change the theme as many times as you want and also customise it. Add new photos, create new albums, add videos, create a guest list and attribute each guest a personal password. You can create a “Who’s who” section

Create a private blog: Who are we?

Create a private blog: Who are we?
Create a private blog: Who are we? Designed by parents, “Create a private blog”, is intended to provide advice to parents who wish to create a secure interactive space and who have not found what they are looking for on the web. With this blog and the different articles offered, we will try to shed some light on different subjects related to the protection of your private life. We aim to guide parents, families, and web-users in general on how to protect