Your family house blog - If you want to renovate your home interior, you can find many home design blogs on the internet, which can be helpful sometimes. Such a big project can be really tricky, personal and sometimes you will need more inspiration than you thought. You want create your own home design blog? But, seriously, who will care? Not too many people… So, we invite you to continue reading to understand why a private blog could be the best solution
Easy to use and to manage your private space with; your family has access to a comprehensive tool that enables you to add contents and customise your private blog in a few clicks.
Your secure Parent zone to create your private blog
You can change the theme as many times as you want and also customise it. Add new photos, create new albums, add videos, create a guest list and attribute each guest a personal password. You can create a “Who’s who” section
How to make a private wedding photo blog?
Creating a wedding website or a wedding blog? With a public or a private access to your photos? How much should you spend … $200? $500? $1000? Which service provider should you choose? Here are some clues.
Like all newlyweds, you want to keep all these precious memories and share them with the people you love. This idea is increasingly recurrent to brides and grooms. You have to admit that it’s appealing: your ow